Neglected Dog Lives Happily Ever After Thanks To Crowdfunders And Science


Better Paws for Brutus / CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
A two-year-old rottweiler has been given a new lease on life after he received four prosthetic paws to replace the limbs he lost in an accident.

Brutus was neglected by his previous owners as a puppy and left outside for long periods, causing him to develop frostbite on all four of his paws. The horrible humans then attempted to amputate the paws themselves and, obviously, they botched the makeshift surgery and left the poor pup horribly disfigured.

But now, thanks to a caring duo from Loveland, Colorado, Brutus is able to walk again. New owner, Laura Aquilina, and animal rescuer, Laura Ornelas, started a fundraising page to help the unfortunate canine. They needed $11,900 (£7,600) for the surgery but managed to raise an incredible $12,612 (£8,055).

Better Paws for Brutus / CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Better Paws for Brutus / CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Laura Aquilina said:

If he didn’t have the prosthetics, he’d essentially be confined to rooms with carpeting. Dr. Gall removed bone fragments on Brutus’ mangled paws, his dew claws, and two toes on his back paw in preparation for the prosthetics.

Orthopets, based in Denver, Colorado, then provided Brutus with four cool new limbs. Brutus’ recovery took eight week,s followed by another six weeks of rehabilitation, but he should soon be able to take longer walks and play with other dogs.

We love a happy ending!