Never-Before-Seen Photos Emerge From Inside White House During 9/11

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Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, never-before-seen photos from inside the White House during the 9/11 attacks have been released.

The photos, reportedly captured by a staff photographer, document the reactions of then President, George Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney as they watch the horrific incident unfold on live television on September 11, 2001.


The majority of the photos were taken in the secure basement of the White House, where Secret Service agents frog-marched top government officials following reports that more attacks were a possibility.

US National Archives

In the photos, President Bush looks tense as he converses with top officials in the President’s Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a highly-secure bunker situated below the East Wing, which can withstand nuclear hits and ‘other devastating attacks’.

Other senior government officials also feature in the photographs, including National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, CIA Director George Tenet, Dick Cheney’s lawyer, David Addington and Chief of Staff Andrew Card.

The moments were documented shortly before George Bush’s famous address to the nation, which was aired to record numbers worldwide.

US National Archives
US National Archives

When the planes hit, it was Cheney who was in charge of the White House, while George Bush was present at a school in Sarasota, FL, where he was filmed receiving the devastating news.


The photos were released by the National Archives following a FOIA request by FRONTLINE filmmaker Colette Neirouz Hanna.

US National Archives
US National Archives