New Companion App Makes A Dodgy Walk Home Much Safer


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As university students prepare to go leave home and go back to studying, fresher’s week might be at the forefront of their minds, but for their parents, another thought plagues them.


It’s the worry that their kids won’t be safe, and they could be attacked on the way home one night if they’re alone – but one app, the Companion app, could help put a stop to that.

It allows people on a walk home to virtually invite someone to keep them company, and was created by five students from the University of Michigan.

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It works using a GPS online tracker on your phone, and will send an SMS to invite a friend, parent or colleague to keep you company on your walk.

They will then be notified immediately if a user falls, strays from their path or begins to run, and has a button for said user to press if they’re ok.

If the user does not respond to the app, a loud alarm will begin.

The app was initially created to help keep students safe when walking home, but after seeing it launched, it’s hard to imagine it being too long before it takes off and people in all walks of life use it.


Lexie Ernst, the cofounder of the Companion app, claimed:

Both men and women from all demographics have emailed us saying they’d love to use the app.

Lots of parents want to use the app for their children, and some people want their elderly parents to use it, too, to make sure they don’t get lost.

She added that the app had rave reviews from everyone who had tried it, be it a male or female, young or old.