Brand New Star Wars ‘The Last Jedi’ Trailer Just Dropped And It’s Incredible

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The new trailer for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi has just dropped and it looks just as amazing as we all could ever have hoped for.


The latest trip to the galaxy far, far away is getting ever closer – December 15 in the UK and US – and it’s fair to say we’ll be seeing some more footage before that date.

Check out the trailer below:


[ooyala code=”11ZGh5YzE65g_bKMfmfOxnq2KSFKe3Ya” player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8" auto=”true” width=”860" height=”360" pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l”]

The Last Jedi will be the second in the new trilogy of Star Wars films that began with The Force Awakens and will finish with the as yet untitled Episode IX.

Info about the film is thin on the ground but we do know that Rey is going to be training with a reclusive Luke and the Resistance is going to be in a tough spot fighting The First Order.


If it all sounds a bit Empire, then worry not, because director Rian Johnson previously told Entertainment Weekly this isn’t the case.


He said:

I just tried to kind of ignore that aspect of it and have the story take the shape that it needed to.

But look, Rey is off in a remote location with a Jedi master, and the Resistance is in a tough spot, and we’re intercutting those stories.

By it’s very nature, there are some structural parallels.

He continued:

But these are new characters, they’re dealing with new things, and that ultimately is what defines the movie. So I think that’s going to be unique.

Whatever the case, it’s almost certain that this film is going to make absolutely bucketloads of cash and blow all the fanboys’ socks off.


In a bizarre twist of marketing, director Johnson has said fans should avoid the trailer.

He said those who want to avoid spoilers are best avoiding any kind of promotional material in the run up to the film, and this includes this very trailer.


He tweeted:

If you want to come in clean, absolutely avoid it.

But it’s gooooood…..

Johnson has also been particularly vocal about the actual identity of the titular last Jedi is.


He revealed all in a long form interview with The New York Times:

It’s in the opening crawl of’The Force Awakens. Luke Skywalker, right now, is the last Jedi. There’s always wiggle room in these movies — everything is from a certain point of view — but coming into our story, he is the actual last of the Jedi.

And he’s removed himself and is alone on this island, for reasons unknown…

The heart of the movie is Luke and Rey. It follows all the other characters, but its real essence is the development of the two of them.

And it’s absolutely tied up in that question of: What is Luke’s attitude toward the Jedi?


Be sure to stay on the look out for more footage and info on the soon to be incoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi over the next few weeks.


The film will be finally released in the UK on December 15 2017.