Entirely out of the blue, fuck tonnes of Asian tourists began flocking to the large village of Kidlington three weeks ago, and proceeded to take photos of absolutely everything.
Not only were they taking photos of the village’s historic treasures, but taking photos of peoples modern middle class houses.
And the weirdest thing? Nobody has any idea why.
Many of the locals have began to create conspiracy theories surrounding the random bulk arrival of tourists taking to the Kidlington Facebook group to talk.
Such theories include the village featuring in an old episode of Inspector Morse and Midsomer Murders, or perhaps Kidlington’s links to businessman Richard Branson.

Others have claimed that the tourists are mistaking the houses in Kidlington for the houses lived in by the Dursley’s in Harry Potter.
Taking to a Kidlington Facebook page, residents said:
They always come on Thursdays because that’s when the bins go out. I have seen them taking photos of the dustbins.
They tend to get a bit up close and personal to the houses, walking up to the windows and on the gardens.
They also come up and film the roses. They were mostly taking photos of flowers. I have never seen tourists in the area before. I have no idea why they might be coming.

Another added:
I have been working in the garden or hanging washing up and they come up and smile. If you interact, they ask for a photo but they don’t speak any English whatsoever.
I’m in the garden quite a bit and it is strange but it is nice. They are very friendly and really interested in everything we are doing.
I equate it to us going on holiday to Greece or somewhere and taking photos of all the pretty houses. It just seems a bit bizarre when you are in a middle class housing estate.
What a bizarre set of circumstances.