One Surfer Helped Save The Lives Of Two Teenage Girls Caught In Riptide


ript web

One surfer has been called a hero after saving two teenage girls, aged 13 and 14, when they found themselves in difficulty in Lake Michigan.

Zeb Boeskool was surfing when he saw the terrifying events unfolding, with two girls getting caught in the riptide.

He sprung into action, saving the girls, along with Grand Haven Public Safety officials, with one of the girls described as ‘floating like a log’ and Boeskool having to drag her ashore while she was not breathing.

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Mike Dixon saw the events unfold and took pictures to post on Facebook, claiming:

If Zeb would not have been there, I’m sure she would have perished.

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The girls are now safe and sound after being taken to hospital, but there is no doubt that Boeskool helped save their lives and is a hero for risking his own, getting caught up in the waves, to ensure their safety.