P.T. Inspired ‘Layers Of Fear’ Gets Release Date, Looks Absolutely Terrifying


The legacy of P.T. reaches far and wide, as it continues to inspire developers to make games like Layers of Fear, merely for the thrill of making us shit ourselves. Cheers then.

Layers of Fear has been on Steam’s Early Access for a while, where it garnered a mind-bendingly positive user review score of 97 per cent. Most impressive.


Following on from this success, the game has now been given a full release date, and will be dragging itself towards PC, PS4 and Xbox One on February 16.

The game is heavily inspired by classic paintings (as well as the ill-fated P.T.) and puts you in the shoes of an artist who is slowly going mad trying to create his swansong piece.


Developer Rafal Basaj explains on the Playstation Blog:

Both the fine art surroundings and the painter’s family home, originally sources of inspiration and accomplishment, deteriorate along with the character’s own psyche, representing how madness, obsession, and tragedy can influence one’s mind and cause the player to doubt his or her every step.

There’s a strong whiff of psychological horror around Layers of Fear, so if you enjoy sleepless nights, it’s probably worth picking up. You can find it on Steam Early Access and the Xbox Game Preview programme for £9.99 ($12.99.)