Parents Throw Premature Baby In Bin For Devastating Reason


A premature baby from China has been rescued after his parents abandoned him inside a bin.

The three pound newborn was surrounded by rubbish when he was thankfully discovered by a man who had been searching the bins for valuables in the Chinese city of Chongqing.

The accidental hero, who has not been identified, cradled the tiny infant in his arms before taking him to a local hospital to receive the required attention.

The police were able to find the child’s parents who admitted to abandoning him, reports The Sun. After being born at a mere 30 weeks, the parents were concerned that the boy would suffer ill health throughout his life and believed that his life would be shortened.

The parents expressed regret for the shocking act, explaining that they had failed to properly consider their actions.

They said:

We were afraid he [the baby] wouldn’t live long because he was born prematurely.

We didn’t think carefully before throwing him in the rubbish bin.

They also made a promise to care for their son going forward. Despite receiving a verbal warning, the pair were not arrested for their crime.

Infanticide has long been a pressing issue in China.  The notorious one child policy was relaxed as of 2016 and couples are generally allowed to have two children however the legacy of these years still casts a shadow. Prospective parents must still obtain official birth permits and abide by various coercive and restrictive rules.


Many families hope for a son who will care for them in their later years and a daughter can come as a great disappointment. A son born with potential health concerns, who may not live long enough to care for his elderly parents, may also be regarded as less valuable.

The growing wealth in China is still disproportionately spread, leading to numerous social problems and widespread poverty has previously led to parents killing or abandoning their babies out of economic desperation. Inadequate welfare provision and an unsuitable healthcare system means that citizens are not currently receiving necessary support.

Our thoughts are with this unnamed innocent boy who has experienced a much tougher start in life than most.