Donald Trump is currently the frontrunner for the Republican Party nomination for the U.S Presidency and, in a typical tactic to encourage voters, he’s been reminding people that his favourite book is The Bible.
There’s just one issue – he keeps refusing to elaborate on which bits of the holy book he finds especially compelling.
Instead, in a recent interview with Bloomberg TV, Trump claimed that he couldn’t choose between the Old and New Testaments because, “The whole Bible is just incredible”. Wow…
So, since Trump is apparently unwilling to share his religious views Twitter users have, naturally, decided to do it for him. Using the #TrumpBible hashtag, people have been tweeting out makeshift passages from the Bible, imagining what the text might look like according to the American business tycoon.
And, yes, the results have been even more hilarious than Trump’s hairpiece. From Trump’s supposed moral hypocrisy, to his arrogance, to his stance on immigration, these creative tweeters pretty much covered all the bases.
Check out the best below:
"Marriage is between and man and woman. I believe it so much I got married three times. That's how strongly I believe in it." #TrumpBible
— puzzleman65 (@puzzleman65) August 29, 2015
And Jesus said unto them, "But if its for *business* then basically just ignore everything I just told you." #TrumpBible
— Charlie Camosy (@CCamosy) August 29, 2015
"Blessed are the rich in spirit. The poor are a bunch of losers and chumps." — #TrumpBible
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) August 26, 2015
"Jesus? Nice guy, but LOW, LOW energy, I mean, bleeding out of his hands, his feet, his wherever…" #TrumpBible
— Christopher Heuertz (@ChrisHeuertz) August 29, 2015
"Moses? Awful negotiator. 'Let my people go'? If I'd been there, it would've been: 'Hey, Pharoah. We're leaving. Deal with it.'" #TrumpBible
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) August 27, 2015
Cain, Abel, both good friends. Cain got into agriculture, bad business. But he murdered his competition. That's leadership. #TrumpBible
— Benjamin Riley (@benjaminjriley) August 27, 2015
"I'm not saying Jesus wasn't born in Bethlehem. I'm just saying show me the birth certificate." #trumpbible
— Ben Jealous (@BenJealous) August 28, 2015
Scribe: Which is the greatest commandment?
Jesus: Sit down. Nobody called on you. Go back to Jerusalem.#TrumpBible
— Brian Zahnd (@BrianZahnd) August 27, 2015
"Can anything good come out of Nazareth? I mean, I'm sure some of them are good people and all. But mostly we get their worst." #TrumpBible
— Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) August 27, 2015
The Gospel according to Donald Trump is quite a scary prospect. Almost as terrifying as the thought of him actually running a country!