Donald Trump has long been a popular subject of Reddit’s Photoshop battles, but now that he’s the leader of the free world, we can expect a lot more of it.
First we had a bizarre series of Trump/Queen Elizabeth II mashups, Trump’s pen capping, and now, we have Tiny Trump.
The viral trend originated from Reddit, and it basically just features a bunch of images of Donald Trump modified to make him look miniature.

Reddit user theLAZYmd seems to have started the bizarre (albeit hilarious) Photoshop battle yesterday, posting a photo of a two-foot-tall Trump next to the secret service.
In less than 24 hours, the post has circulated around social media, creating #TinyTrumps and a hell of a lot of very small presidents.
Here’s Tiny Trump taking a tiny walk:

And here he is giving a tiny thumbs up outside his not-so-tiny plane:

He also waves his tiny hands to crowds:

Signs executive orders:

And hangs out with other (not-so-sizeably-challenged) leaders:

The Photoshop battle is less than a day old, so it’s not clear whether this one will stick or not – though it’s probably one of the better memes the Internet has seen.
At least his body matches his hands now.