Petition To Save Dog Tied To Tree For Five Years Goes Viral

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A petition has been started to free a dog who has been shockingly tied to a tree for five years.


The petition has now gone viral, with a target of 7,500 signatures, of which they already have 5,000.

Blaze the dog has to wear a cone around his head because of a medical condition, and has been left out tied to the tree no matter what the weather.

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Now, the black Labrador-Retriever is the talk of locals in Arlington, Washington, with residents claiming it breaks their hearts to see the dog tied up and neglected every day.

Animal cruelty laws aren’t being broken when it comes to Blaze, because he has access to food and water, and isn’t tied up for 24 hours a day, but one person who passes by each day claimed it makes them ‘cry each time they pass’.

Said petition was launched by a person who wrote that it was their ‘biggest fear that the dog will die laying on the ground alone’.
