Play This Darth Vader Mini-game While Star Wars Battlefront Installs

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Star Wars Battlefront is only a week away from release, and EA have added in this cool little mini-game to keep you occupied while the game installs.


If you’re a subscriber to EA Access, you can already download and play Star Wars Battlefront for 10 full hours before any of us regular plebs even get a look in. But to appease the masses, EA have dropped in this sweet Vader mini-game while the 20GB download does its thing.

Taking place in a rebel hanger in Hoth, the wave-based game has you slicing and dicing rebel scum as the big man, with the best part being that he can’t die. Just like the Emperor intended.


The guys over at Eurogamer run through the game below.

Star Wars Battlefront will release on November 19 in the UK on Playstation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.