Chaotic in Ferguson
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) August 10, 2015
A man has been shot by police at a protest to mark the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death.
The young black man was shot by plainclothes officers in Ferguson, after he fired on an unmarked police car, and is reportedly in critical condition.
(1/2) A St. Louis County officer was involved in an officer-involved shooting after comin g under heavy gunfire.
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) August 10, 2015
The protests, to mark the anniversary of Brown’s death at the hands of police in Ferguson, started out peacefully, but turned violent later on, with police in riot gear and military-style armoured vehicles called in to disperse the crowds.
There were reports of looting at several stores in the area.
One officer reportedly told the crowd over loudspeaker:
Failure to disperse may result in your detention, arrest, and/or exposure to chemical or less-lethal munitions,
Police intend to use chemical munitions.
After the shooting dozens of protestors were pushed back from a main street by police using gas and smoke grenades.
— Search4Swag (@search4swag) August 10, 2015
— Search4Swag (@search4swag) August 10, 2015
Tony Rice, a protestor and activist, filmed the aftermath of the shooting, but was arrested by police for refusing to move back, although a legal observer said he was released shortly afterwards.
Tear gas has been deployed on remaining protestors #ferguson
— Kayla Reed (@iKaylaReed) August 10, 2015
"There was a remarkable amount of gunfire," says STL Cty Police Chief Jon Belmar on #Ferguson shootings overnight. @FOX2now
— Seth Lemon (@Seth_Lemon) August 10, 2015
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar confirms two additional shootings at Canfield during presser. @FOX2now
— Seth Lemon (@Seth_Lemon) August 10, 2015
No body cams. These were plain clothes detectives involved in shooting of a suspect, according to Belmar. #Ferguson
— Emily Rau (@emilyrau) August 10, 2015
BREAKING: St. Louis County police chief says suspect shot by officer is in critical condition #Ferguson
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 10, 2015