In bad news for hairy Gloucestershire police officers, they could soon be forced to shave off their facial hair or even wear ‘beard nets’ to keep their whiskers under control.
The new dress code rules and uniform policy also encourages officers to cover visible tattoos and asks female police officers to wear minimal make-up.
The new requirements have reportedly sparked some complaints among the officers.
Speaking to the Times, one unnamed source said:
Some of the female PCs have been wearing so much bronzer that they look like the Tango man. But the blokes will just look silly walking around with a big net on their face.

However, Gloucestershire Constabulary insisted a “common sense approach” would be adopted.
In a statement, they said:
The policy is intended to provide guidance to managers and staff, it does not replace the need for discussion with the individuals concerned.
Britain’s regional police forces are each subject to their own dress codes and hipster cop, in particular, will probably be hoping that these new rules aren’t rolled out in London too!