‘Polite Grandma’ Finally Gets Reply From Google


Internet sensation and super polite Google-user Grandma May has finally received a response to her very respectful Google search.

It all started earlier this week when her grandson, Ben John, stumbled across one of his nan’s recent Google searches.

It was possibly the most polite search request Google has ever received and, thankfully, Ben shared it with the world.

Ben tweeted: “Omg opened my Nan’s laptop and when she’s googled something she’s put ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. I can’t.”

He later asked 86-year-old May why she said please and thank you, and she seemed to think it was standard online etiquette.

He told the BBC:

I asked my nan why she used ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and it seemed she thinks that there is someone – a physical person – at Google’s headquarters who looks after the searches.

She thought that by being polite and using her manners, the search would be quicker.

Obviously, everyone fell in love with Grandma May after that.

And it seems your parents were right – good manners can get you a long way.

On Thursday, Google told Grandma May via Twitter that no thanks were necessary when it came to her search request, while Google UK said Wednesday that in a world with billions of searches, hers made them smile.

What an absolute sweetheart.