A US politician has been suspended from Twitter permanently for publishing a seriously racist tweet about Meghan Markle.
Far-right candidate, Paul Nehlen, has been branded ‘sick’ and ‘sad’ over his tweet by one of Meghan’s Suits co-stars.
Nehlen tweeted the picture of Markle and her fiancé, Prince Harry, with the caption: ‘Honey, does this tie make my face look pale?’
Let’s not forget that @Twitter makes their money on ad revenue. No advertisers are willing to risk their brand identity to be placed next to this. We’ve seen this on Breitbart.
When @jack allows racism to run rampant on this platform, ad revenue will cease to exist. It’s coming. pic.twitter.com/WvpMXtH88z
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) February 11, 2018
In a statement to Newsweek about Nehlen’s suspension, a Twitter official said:
While we normally do not comment on individual accounts, I can confirm that we have permanently suspended this account for repeated violations of our terms of service.
The picture, which had been superimposed by Nehlen, showed Meghan Markle‘s face replaced by that of Cheddar Man, one of the oldest skeletons found in the UK, and who experts believe had dark skin.
Markle’s co-star in the legal drama Suits, Patrick J. Adams, said Nehlen was a ‘a sad and sick man with no sense of shame or class’.
Oh @pnehlen – you’re a sad and sick man with no sense of shame or class. Get a life. And don’t go anywhere near MM – she’s got more power, strength, honor and compassion in her fingernail than you’ll ever know in this lifetime. Way above your weight class.
— Patrick J Adams (@halfadams) February 10, 2018
He wrote on Twitter:
You’re a sad and sick man with no sense of shame or class. Get a life. And don’t go anywhere near MM – she’s got more power, strength, honor and compassion in her fingernail than you’ll ever know in this lifetime. Way above your weight class.
In a Tweet on Sunday (February 11) and linking to a report by the Mirror, Nehlen defended the posting writing:
Publishing an article *disappearing whites* or *dispossessing whites* of their homelands is wrong; made worse when claiming ‘science’ to ‘prove’ whites never existed.
I made a joke of it. It’s not a laughing matter, so I chose to laugh about it.
This racist POS is running for Congress (I won’t RT the original image of Markle he tweeted earlier). But we need to send the message that “candidates” like this have no place in our government and we’d be happy if they live the rest of there lives under the darkest rock. pic.twitter.com/XoDHCmbOK1
— Jenn Taylor-Skinner (@JTaylorSkinner) February 11, 2018
Nehlen is currently campaigning to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan as representative of Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional district.
He’s a supporter of President Donald Trump, (now, there’s a surprise) and he’s previously spread anti-Semitic and alt-right memes on social media, according to reports.
In January, he appeared on a radio show of David Duke, a former KKK Grand Wizard, where he said he faced criticism for his political campaign because ‘Jews control the media’.
What. the. hell.
Well, well, it appears that Paul Nehlen (@pnehlen) has been suspended.
Only took thousands of complaints and two days to get his openly blatant racism off this platform. pic.twitter.com/MjXL7GCLfT
— Stonekettle (@Stonekettle) February 11, 2018
If you're upset and ranting about "free speech" because Paul Nehlen was FINALLY suspended, fuck you.
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) February 12, 2018
Unfortunately Nehlen’s tweet isn’t the first time Ms Markle has been the subject of racist comments.
Since announcing her engagement to Prince Harry on November 26, last year, she’s been subjected to hideous remarks.
The leader of Britain’s UKIP party Henry Bolton, ended his relationship with his then-girlfriend Jo Marney over a series of comments she made about Markle, which were made public.
#HenryBolton is now refusing to say that #JoMarney's messages were racist, instead choosing to call them "fiery".
Here's a few of Marney's msgs about #MeghanMarkle that were published
Bolton's allowed his aging libido to remove all sense of decency.@LBC @NickFerrariLBC pic.twitter.com/1mcj4xRYs9
— Incorrigible FCA (@ImIncorrigible) February 12, 2018
The 25-year-old apologised on Facebook, writing:
I accept and embrace the consequences and punishment for the things I have said, which was indeed tactless at the least and disgusting at worst – and lots of it doesn’t really represent my core beliefs.
Too late really, for anybody who even thinks to say these things.