I think it’s pretty safe to say that Barack Obama is the most fun U.S. President of recent times.
Yesterday, we all awoke to the hilarious video of him shaming Clinton’s attempts to appeal to a young audience with her mind-numbingly boring slogan – trudge up that hill – while also taking the superior piss out of Donald Trump, all before that infamous ‘Obama out’ mic drop.
But today, perhaps an even funnier clip has emerged of one of the most powerful men in the world, and it looks like he’s realised and embraced the fact there’s only a few months left of his presidency, so he may as well spend his time relaxing and doing fuck all but make silly videos.
Originally broadcast at his final White House Correspondent’s Dinner, the video, titled ‘Couch Commander’, was then released by the White House showing Obama’s attempts to spend his time wisely for his next two years in Washington DC, reports the Mirror.
However, personally, the incredibly surreal clip suggests merely one thing – that ‘Obanter’ (sorry) has far too much time on his hands.
The clip starts with the president saying a big ‘fuck you’ to U.S. news anchor, Chuck Todd, after he claimed Obama was going ‘commander in chief to couch commander’, before trying on a selection of sunglasses with Vice President Joe Biden.

Then Barack tries to get his driving license sorted while mocking the ludicrous scandal which surrounded his birth certificate when he was first sworn into presidency, before eating popcorn and debating smoking a cigarette with former house speaker John Boehner.
We won’t spoil the ins and outs of the clip for you but let’s just say it doesn’t stop being hilarious for one minute.
Perhaps Obama shouldn’t be pissing around so much when there’s a whole wealth of serious issues going on around the world – but it’s utterly undeniable that the man is hilarious.