Prisoner In California Gets Nearly Cut In Half And Stuffed In Bin After Riots


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After a riot broke out in one Northern California state prison, correctional officers were shocked to find one of their former inmates dead, stuffed in a bin.

Nicolas Anthony Rodriguez’s body was found nearly cut in half, with vital organs missing after the 15 hour riot, and was stuffed in a bin in a bathroom near the former prisoner’s cell.

Jesus A. Perez is the only suspect after sharing a cell with the 24 year old victim, and has now been removed from the prison’s general population while an investigation is carried out, and is already serving a life sentence for murder.

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Details of the shocking and brutal murder at California State Prison, Solano, were only revealed to the public when the Associated Press managed to get hold of autopsy records.

Christine Ward, the executive director of the Crime Victims Action Alliance, claimed:

It just blows my mind because officers are looking on inmates all the time.

Unfortunately we know that there are drugs, there’s alcohol, there are weapons.

As much as the officers can police that, we know we’ve got the toughest, the baddest, the most violent criminals in our state prison and unfortunately some of the most cunning prisoners in there as well. They are going to find ways to do that.