A man, if you can call him that, embarrassed himself with an unprovoked verbal assault on an American Muslim family – but if his police mugshot is anything to go by his bravado soon vanished.
The racist shouted on the Texas beach ‘Donald Trump got you, motherfucker’ along with countless other racial slurs, he also screamed ‘suck my dick’ while waggling his balls in front of the family’s young children.
35-year-old ‘hardman’, Alexander Downing of Connecticut, was pounding his chest but sobbed when South Padre Island Police took his mugshot
His racist tirade was captured on film:
[ooyala code=”42MTk2YjE6I_shZiiIlXCz0sDR5ZA8Zq” player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ auto=”true” width=”1280″ height=”1280″ pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l”]
Speaking to Buzzfeed, a member of the family who was present, Ahmed, said:
I want people to understand that this man needs to be charged with indecent behavior in front of kids and a minor.
I want people to also know that the hotel did not do anything to protect us.
We will definitely go back to the beautiful island but will never go back to the Pearl Hotel

He was claiming to be a follower of Christianity and Donald Trump, viciously comparing the family to ISIS and assuming they follow Sharia law.
Fourteen members of the family, who are U.S. citizens, were there for a reunion in South Padre Island, and Downing was unfortunately staying in the same hotel.
Downing, sporting a green vest, cloak of ignorance, and some issues that motivated him to prove his macho status, actually feels his crotch to make sure it’s still there.
Here’s a reminder of how ‘ard he was before the police stepped in…

The comparison of his two photos has gone viral, with the caption ‘Trump supporters: racist assholes on the outside, crybaby snowflakes on the inside’.
Hopefully someone has since educated Downing.