We heard once that everything was better under the sea and one woman has really taken that mantra to heart, as she lives her life as a mermaid and spends her days swimming alongside fish around the world.
Mermaid Melissa, who legally changed her name from Melissa Dawn, has previously described her mermaiding as a “lifestyle”, rather than just a career. She can reportedly hold her breath underwater for an incredible five minutes at a time.
Now, a new video shows her swimming among manta rays in Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef during a recent visit to Australia.
Melissa, who grew up in Florida, posted the footage on her YouTube channel which shows the free diver visiting Lady Elliot Island and keeping a close eye on the movements of some giant manta rays, as her makeshift long tail flows behind her.
Last month, Melissa explained her mermaid life to Mail Online, saying:
There isn’t a day I’m not splashing about with my mermaid tail on. I’m always living the mermaid lifestyle both in and out of the water.
We’re not entirely sure what a mermaid lifestyle is on land (coaxing sailors to their death through song, perhaps?) but apparently Melissa, who’s been an aquatic performer for ten years, has her own rehearsal pool in her garage.
The diver has also previously revealed she’s inspired by The Little Mermaid, and you can find out more about her unique style on her website. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a talking crab as a friend, but you can’t have it all…