Refugees Greeted By Cheers From Germans After Long Journey From Budapest

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Europe might be in a quandary over just what to do with the growing refugee crisis, not to mention where to place them, but the German people are doing everything in their power to make sure the refugees feel welcome.


Not only have most of the German football clubs made astonishing efforts to help, but Chancellor Angela Merkel is one of the EU figureheads pushing for all countries to take refugees.


Now, after a long trek from Budapest to Munich, thousands of refugees arrived to cheering from German crowds, who had gone out to greet them.


Despite there being 120 busses that went to and from the cities, carrying the refugees, there were still many who decided they had no other option but to walk.

Some even made an eight hour journey through the night, forgoing the medical attention they so desperately needed.

By midday Saturday, 3,000 refugees had arrived in Munich, with an estimated 7,000 set to be there by nightfall.

Budapest Times

Red Cross spokesman Andreas Zenker claimed:


We’ve treated a two day old gunshot wound.

We’ve seen eye injuries caused by stun grenades. We’ve seen children with severe bruises.


In an act of humanity, Austrian rail workers pledged to work overtime for nothing, to drive refugee trains, calling the situation ‘a state of emergency’, with Austrians even driving their own cars to the border to give refugees a lift to Vienna.


This has been dismissed as a bad idea by authorities, who have cautioned that anyone who does this could be guilty of people smuggling.


As the German people cheered and distributed sweets, grandmother Hedy Gupta said that they ‘wanted them to know the torture is over.’
