Ripping Your Own CD’s Is Now Illegal… Again

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Ripping your own CD’s is now technically a criminal offence, again.

The law you never knew you were breaking!


Nine months ago a law was passed making it legal to duplicate a CD that you own, but that has now been reversed by a High Court judge due to it’s ‘lack of copyright levy’.

Organisations from within the music industry – Musicians’ Union, UK Music, and the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (Basca), challenged the law.

UK Music CEO Jo Dipple said:

It is vitally important that fairness for songwriters, composers and performers is written into the law.

My members’ music defines this country. It is only right that Government gives us the standard of legislation our music deserves. We want to work with Government so this can be achieved.

This change in the law covers CD’s, DVD’s, eBooks, and basically anything that can be duplicated digitally.


I didn’t actually know it was illegal in the first place, and I’m probably not alone in that. Does this mean that iPods have been accessories to crime for years?


I highly doubt it’ll be the most strictly enforced of laws. In fact, I’ve no idea how they’d even go about trying to keep it up.