Ronda Rousey Reveals Why She’s Got A Nasty Grudge Against Justin Bieber

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Forget Ronda Rousey’s ongoing war of words with Floyd Mayweather, she has a new celebrity she’d happily tap out and I’m pleased to say it is none other than Justin Bieber.


So what has Biebs done to alienate the undefeated bantamweight UFC champion? Well as has become expected of the popstar, he was just downright rude.


Whilst at the Cannes film festival Rousey approached Justin on behalf of her little sister to ask if he would be OK with the two sharing a picture.


Justin, rather snottily, cut Rousey off in mid-sentence twice as he declined to be in the photo.

Rousey recalled the conversation in an interview with Cosmipolitan where she declares at the end “I’m not a belieber.”


Check it out below.

Be careful who you snub Justin, some of them may just happen to know the most dangerous woman on the planet.
