Ronda Rousey’s Ex Brendan Schaub Claims He Was ‘Too Much’ Of A Man For Her


So apparently nobody has learned that talking trash about Ronda Rousey is a really bad idea – let’s face it, it didn’t exactly work out well for Bethe Correia, did it?

Well, now Rousey’s ex-boyfriend and UFC heavyweight Brendan Schaub has waded into dangerous waters. He appeared on Joe Rogan’s ‘Fight Companion’ podcast over the weekend and didn’t have many kind words for Ronda. But he’s not bitter or anything…

He went so far as to claim he was “too much” of a man for the UFC women’s bantamweight champ (yes, really) and added that Rousey surrounds herself with nothing but yes men who bow down to her and are afraid to say no.

When asked if he would ever get back together with Rousey, Schaub said:

I’m not the guy for the job. She needs a guy who’s gonna take a backseat. She’s surrounded by people that worship her and go, ‘Yes, yes, that’s a great idea.’ But when I went, ‘That’s not a good idea,’ now I’m a hater.

Rogan quickly shut down the discussion, supposedly out of respect for Rousey, but also probably for the safety of Schaub and his arms. Let’s hope these two don’t bump into each other again anytime soon!