Russian media have launched a scathing attack on actor Morgan Freeman after he appeared in a video accusing their government of interfering in last year’s American Presidential election.
The Oscar-winning actor recently appeared in a video produced by ‘The Committee To Investigate Russia‘ (CIR) setup by Hollywood director Rob Reiner, reports the BBC. Their aim is to bring to light what they call Russia’s ‘aggressive effort to subvert the American democratic process’.
Freeman accuses the Russian President, Valdimir Putin (who was a former spy for the now defunct KGB) of launching attacks and spreading misinformation during the US presidential election last year as revenge for the fall of the Soviet Union (USSR).
However Russian media outlets, such as Rossiya 24 labelled Morgan’s claims as ‘hysterical’.
During a discussion panel which featured psychiatrists, it was suggested the actor was going through a messiah complex from playing God in films like Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty, it was also suggested that he’s been influenced due to ‘drug abuse’.
Rossiya 24’s colourful weatherman joined in on the japing suggesting Freeman was sick from ‘overwork and marijuana use’.
Another Russian news channel, TV Centre, claimed the video was the ‘worst role’ Freeman has ever took.
Моргана Фримана подставили так же, как в своё время подставили Коллина Пауэлла. Думаю, это очередная история о том, как…
Posted by Maria Zakharova on Wednesday, 20 September 2017
While the Russian media are having a field day with the popular actor, their government is paying it no mind. Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said the Kermlin will not pay attention to accusations which are ‘groundless and of an exclusively emotional character’.
In a press statement Peskov dismissed the video, stating:
Many creative people easily fall victim to emotional strain, and don’t have real information about the actual state of affairs.
Channel 5, who are based in St. Petersburg warned Freeman that he just ‘lost millions of Russian fans’ by becoming an ‘American propaganda loudspeaker’ delivering ‘Russophobic cliches’.
However Russian actor Nikolai Burlyayev offered a more measured response saying Morgan’s comments was ‘a matter for his conscience’.
He added:
If I were offered a text saying something about America, I would turn it down, even though I am critical of the country. Everyone is free to choose.
Social media didn’t hold back as the hashtag #StopMorganLie trended in Russia, something social media analyst Eliot Higgins sees as a campaign setup by Russia’s RT broadcaster.
RT tries to make #StopMorganLie a thing, quoting accounts with barely any followers to make their case
— Eliot Higgins (@EliotHiggins) September 21, 2017
Since Trump’s election into the oval office there has been a growing amount of uncertainty about his ‘alleged’ dealings with the Russian Government.
His campaign is currently under investigation by the FBI, who have already questioned members of his cabinet including sons Donald Jr, Eric, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.