Ryan Reynolds Says A Deadpool-Avengers Crossover Would Be A Great Idea

Ryan ReynoldsFox

Ryan Reynolds is the man we all need in this time of worldly horror, and every word that he says brings us all immense joy.

So when he suggested in a recent interview that there could be a Deadpool/Avengers crossover, fans the world over went all mental.

The Deadpool star is currently in the midst of filming for the sequel to the smash hit, but he took time out of his schedule to talk to Total Film.

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When asked about the possibility of the crossover, he said:

That sounds like a great idea but a very expensive idea. Can you imagine the shit-talking contest with Iron Man? Oh, that would be great.

But it would have to be rated R to completely unharness everybody. Unbridle the merriment and watch them go…

Ryan Reynolds

Of course, this crossover is easier said than done – Deadpool is owned by Fox and Marvel Studios own The Avengers.

Both would have to negotiate an absolutely massive deal before this could go ahead.

Never say never though – Sony and Marvel Studios have just collaborated to bring us Spider-Man: Homecoming and thus bringing Spiderman into the Avengers Universe.

Ryan ReynoldsSony/ Marvel

So a multi-studio collaboration is not outside the realms of possibility.

We can almost imagine the bust up Iron Man and Deadpool would have – it would be priceless for the studios involved.

Throw a bit of Star-Lord in there and you’ve got yourself a veritable smash hit.


It’s safe to say it would probably be up there with the biggest films of all time.

But how could Josh Brolin be both Thanos and Cable? There’s some jokes there I’m sure Deadpool would muster up to great success.

Please Kevin Feige, (President of Marvel Studios) and whoever runs Fox (probably Ryan Reynolds at this stage) – make it happen.