Ryanair Are Offering Cheap Flights To Expats As Long As They Vote Remain


Budget airline Ryanair are doing their part for the EU referendum, offering to fly expats back to the UK so they can vote ‘remain’.

According to the Huffington Post, the Chief Executive of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, has come out in support of the UK remaining in the EU, offering to fly expats back to the UK for less than £20 as long as they vote remain.

O’Leary can’t vote himself in the referendum but, as the CEO of the country’s largest airline, he’s concerned about the UK’s future.

Ryanair Announces Large Order Of Boeing PlanesGetty

Speaking to the Irish Times, he said:

I don’t have a vote, but I run the biggest airline in the UK, we’re one of the biggest investors in the UK and employ 4,000 people in 15 different airports, we are also a big taxpayer in the UK.

Too many businesses are too reticent about getting involved. If you leave, everything will not stay the same.

As part of their commitment to the cause, customers can book flights to all UK airports for €19.99 (£15.49) for travel on 22 and 23 June (polling day) until midnight on Thursday 19.


Ryanair, who are currently campaigning to remain in the EU, employ over 4,000 people across 15 airports in the UK, carrying 41 million passengers between the UK and Europe each year.

The airline believes that the European Union has opened up the skies for tourism and will ultimately lead to more jobs in the UK.

Kenny Jacobs, Ryanair’s chief marketing officer said:

As the UK’s largest airline, Ryanair is absolutely clear that the UK economy and its future growth prospects are stronger as a member of the European Union than they are outside of the EU and with just five weeks to go, we will continue to work hard to help deliver a resounding ‘Remain’ vote on 23 June.

There’s just under five weeks to go until the EU referendum, with both sides within a hair’s breadth of each other at the polls, so remember to register to vote by June 7.