Satanic Temple Unveil New 9-Ft Tall Bronze Baphomet Sculpture In Detroit

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The Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple have unveiled a new sculpture in Detroit, a huge one-tonne, 9-ft tall bronze Baphomet statue.


The pagan sculpture features a figure with a human body, goat’s head and wings, flanked by a boy and girl staring at the satanic creature in adoration.


Hundreds attended the grand unveiling, which happened just before midnight to shouts of ‘Hail Satan.’


The statue was originally meant to be placed next to a controversial 10 Commandments monument on the Oklahoma State Capitol grounds, but was rejected.

Its new location was kept a secret until the last minute so Christian protestors couldn’t gatecrash the event. Local reverend Dave Bullock described it as a ‘welcome home party for evil.’

The Satanic Temple

The director of the Satanic Temple Detroit Chapter, Jex Blackmore, has said that it’ll soon be on the road again, this time to Arkansas, where another 10 Commandments sculpture has just been authorised by the governor.