In one of those fantastic moments when satire becomes reality, spoof news site The Onion actually predicted the news one day before it happened.
They carried a story headlined “US Soothes Upset Netanyahu With Shipment Of Ballistic Missiles”, which ran 24-hours before the very same story broke for real.
It turns out America did offer Israel a lovely big stash of missiles to help sooth them over the ongoing Iran nuclear deal. Israeli newspaper Haaretz ran a story headlined “After Iran deal, Obama offers military upgrade to help Israel swallow bitter Iranian deal” the following day.
Haaretz was forced to admit that, “There’s no other way around it: the fake newspaper broke the story.”
The Onion quoted a fake State Department Spokesman as saying:
Bibi always gets a little cranky when he sees us talking to Iran, but a few dozen short-range surface-to-surface missiles usually cheer him right up.
You just can’t make it up. Apparently.