Shane Meadows Hints At This Is England ’90 Follow-Up

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This is England

Raves, pills, brightly-coloured clothes – there’s no doubt we’re talking about the ’90s.


We’re getting all nostalgic because This is England ’90 starts on Channel 4 next month, and it looks amazing. The four-part series will follow the characters as they get into the rave scene.

Writer and director Shane Meadows has previously said it will be the last time we see the gang. But at the London premiere last night, he hinted that this might not be the end after all.

Oliver Lancaster Smith/@oliverlancaster - winner of Channel 4 competition to design a piece of artwork for the new series

The director told reporters:

I never say never. When I left ’88 you couldn’t say that was the end, I always had a feeling I had to come back. Now I don’t have that feeling that I have to come back. But at the same time it is a full stop but it is written in pencil probably.

Some of the cast also said they’re sad to be finishing the series, and would consider doing more in the future.

Actor Vicky McClure, who plays Lol, said:

The only thing for me is it is heartbreaking to think I would never play Lol again because I love her. But i love all the characters and when we are on set it is like nothing else, it is like a dysfunctional family.

This is England started as a one-off film set back in 1983, but went on to become a TV series This is England ’86, followed by another series set in ’88.


Long may it continue..?