Shia LaBeouf Facetimes Megan Fox After Drunk Fight With Girlfriend

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The incidents just don’t seem to be getting any less frequent for Shia LaBeouf, and to be honest, I don’t think he even cares.


The latest features a drunk argument on the street with his girlfriend Mia Goth, a meltdown, then an attempt to facetime none other than Megan Fox, obviously. This guy just continues to give.

The footage comes straight out of Germany and features Shia attempting and succeeding to cop a lift back to the airport with some random guys following the argument – the same guys he also tries to facetime Megan Fox with, because that right there would be enough compensation for any petrol used and he knows it. He even asks the guys to come and stay at his home afterwards, which probably isn’t a good idea in hindsight.


And if the scenario in general is unclear to you, one thing in particular is for sure. Shia LaBeouf is either a genius or is having a legit meltdown. Actually, that’s two things.

