Shocking Moment Cyclist Swerves Car Door And Gets Hit By Taxi



This is the heart-stopping moment a cyclist in London was almost flattened in a black cab after being forced to swerve an opening car door.

The biker was forced into the path of the taxi and came within millimetres of being dragged under it. Luckily, the cab driver has seen plenty of situations like these, and made a solid effort to get out of the way as much as possible.

The incident was filmed on Aliraj Miah’s dashcam as he made his way down Mile End Road in east London.

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The taxi clips the cyclist, however, thanks to mr Miah’s quick reactions, a devastating incident is avoided. A man and woman then quickly come to lift the cyclist and his bike off the road.

Following the incident, Aliraj tweeted: “Just spoke to cyclist, he’s nice n well. Man wants to take me out for a drink now.”