Shocking Video Of Boy Kicking Small Cat Through The Air Causes Outrage

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A sickening video of a boy in Spain kicking a tiny cat through the air like a football has caused outrage as animal lovers demand that police find the culprit.


The clip, published on Facebook, shows the horrible moment the unsuspecting animal is booted high in the air and comes crashing down to the ground and landing on its back, clearly in a great deal of pain.


Shockingly, people can be heard laughing in the video as the disturbing act is carried out. Witnesses said the animal appeared to have broken ribs and a broken back, and claim it died shortly afterwards.


The incident is understood to have happened in the town of Fuentes, in the Cuenca province of central Spain.

The culprits have not yet been identified, but according to the Animalist Party against Mistreatment to Animals (Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal / PACMA), the culprits are two 15-year-old boys.


The group are desperate for the boys to be punished and have issued a complaint with the local office of the Spanish prosecutor for minors.

The clip was published on Facebook a few days ago by Spanish user Elena Cabello Vega from Cordoba. According to her, the cat died because of the power of the kick.


The video has been shared widely on social media, with users hoping the attackers are identified and punished. Police have confirmed they have been passed the video clip and are investigating the incident.

This is horrific. Let’s hope these boys are caught!