Sky News Journalist Left Speechless After Leave MP’s Terrifying Brexit Admission

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If this doesn’t proved we’re well and truly fucked, I don’t know what does.


Sky News political editor Faisal Islam has been left speechless after claiming a Conservative pro-Brexit MP told him the Leave campaign ‘didn’t have a plan’ for Brexit.


Yes, that’s right. There is ‘no plan’ for Britain leaving the European Union.


Islam told his co-presenter, Anna Botting: “I said to him, so where’s the plan? Can we see the Brexit plan now?”

He said the pro-Leave Tory replied: “There is no plan. The Leave campaign don’t have a post-Brexit plan.”

The MP then apparently pointed toward the Houses of Parliament and said: “Number 10 should have had a plan”.


Islam added:


It sounds like I’m making that up. That literally happened two hours ago.

So – and I’ve said this before – the person with the most thought through plan, as evidenced by the past 48 hours, is, astonishingly, Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland.

Which is – let’s be honest – worryingly true.


Botting’s response to Islam was pretty understandable: “I don’t know what to say to that.”

While Islam didn’t specify exactly who he was speaking about in the clip, he said in a Tweet that it was a Conservative Leave MP and Boris Johnson supporter who claimed there was ‘no plan’ for Brexit.


So there we have it. The pound has hit a 30 year low, there is post-EU Referendum racism on the streets of Britain and the plan that has been prepared for life after Brexit? Well, there is none.