Star Wars Fan Falls Victim To Epic Advanced Screening Prank

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An unsuspecting Star Wars fan has fallen victim to a hilariously cruel prank laid out by his co-workers.


Blaine Gibson was told by colleagues who ‘knew a guy’ that worked for Lucasfilm and, as luck would have it, they wanted someone to go to an advanced screening of the film.

As the ‘world’s biggest Star Wars fan’ (aren’t we all Blaine, aren’t we all), Blaine was only too pleased to volunteer.


And it is fair to say he got a wee bit excited, documenting his preparations.

Guess what I get to see 4 days early? #TheForceAwakens #StarWars

A video posted by Blaine Gibson (@the_blaine) on

Unfortunately for Blaine, all was not as it seemed. He was about to watch an entirely new film, just not the one he wanted.

Check it out.

Gutted would not truly cover how he must’ve felt.


Oh well, so long as he has managed to avoid the spoilers Blaine didn’t have to wait too long to scratch his Star Wars itch.