When you think of Steve-O you probably think of the guy that eats Goldish for pranks, got hit by Mike Tyson just for the hell of it, and had ‘your name’ tattood on his arse.
You probably don’t think of Steve-O the prospective gymnast. Steve-O with the core strength of an Olympic athlete.
Well, think again – as if this video, obtained by the good folks over at TMZ, is anything to go by, Steve-O is an athletic specimen. Sort of.
Before we get to the clip – it’s worth knowing that just days ago this crazy diamond suffered major burns all over his arms after they got torched in a stunt gone wrong.
How so? He poured rocket fuel over himself resulting in one helluva lot of burns and yellow boils.
Major burns and he’s still able to pull this off?
I guess now it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Steve-O starred as Mila Kunis’ stunt double for the entirety of Black Swan.
At the minute Steve-O, real name Stephen Gilchrist Glover, is working on a project with the Jackass director, Jeff Tremaine.
If it turns out anything like Jackass: The Movie, Jackass Number Two, Jackass 2.5, Jackass 3D, Jackass 3.5, or Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, then I’ll be very happy.
Hopefully your burns get better soon Steve-O. Maybe next time stay away from the rocket fuel, strangely it’s not too good on skin.