Stupid But Popular Social Media ‘Challenge’ Almost Takes Teenagers Life

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Fox News

A teenager who crushed his left eye socket while taking part in the ‘duct tape’ challenge is lucky to be alive his mother has claimed.


Skylar Fish, 14, was taking part in the latest viral sensation sweeping the web with friends when tragedy struck, the Mirror report.


The challenge has been spreading around the world through social media, and sees ‘competitors’ wrapped in duct tape, often while tied to a chair. They are then timed to see how quickly they can break themselves free.


However, when Skylar, from Washington, took part he unfortunately fell into a window and crushed his left eye socket.

His friends called the emergency services and he was rushed to hospital.

Sarah Fish, the teenager’s mum, said:

It crushed his whole eye socket and pinched off nerves in his eye. [Teens are]  just looking at what’s fun, what’s cool, what’s going to impress their friends. I can break out of this duct tape. I’m the strongest. I’m the best…They’re not thinking, ‘What if I fall and hit my head?’

Since images of Skylar’s injuries emerged, social media users are turning against the duct tape challenge.


Skylar is still suffering from a bleed on his brain, and it’s feared that his injuries will mean he has to relearn basic, everyday tasks.