Suicidal Mum Saved By One Sentence From Kind Hearted Stranger

Suicidal mum saved by strangerCharley Wills/Facebook

A young mother from Wakefield has found – and thanked – the Good Samaritan who saved her from taking her own life.

22-year-old beauty therapist Charley Wills, was taken back from the edge of a multi-storey car park by another woman who held on to her waist and refused to let go.

As reported by Examiner Live, Charley said:

I just couldn’t handle all things that were happening to me. I had lost my home and a lot of people in my life. I felt like nobody understood and I just needed a cuddle.

I’d got really ill and Hugo [Charley’s one year-old son] was going back to his dad’s for a few days. That was the day everything went crashing down. I drove to the top of the multi-storey car park – there were so many thoughts going through my head.

Charley continued to explain how the woman was responsible for saving her life:

In my head I was there for only five minutes but in reality it was probably about an hour. This lady came over and held my waist. She said, ‘let’s just go and get a cup of coffee, things are going to be okay’.

Every time I inched closer to the edge she would just hold me. If it weren’t for her and the police lady who turned up, my little boy would have no one to tuck him into bed at night.

Following the incident, which occurred in September, Charley was sectioned. She’s since began her recovery process and is said to be on the mend.

Charley – who now lives with her sister – explained how her sense of self worth has now improved:

I know my worth now. The day I was sectioned, I would have still got back with my ex. Then I got a message from him saying I should have jumped. To say that to your child’s mother is disgusting.

Charley wanted to find the woman who’d helped save her life; posting on Facebook in the hope it would reach her. The woman was eventually tagged in the post by somebody who knew her.

Charley said:

I sent her a message on Facebook just to say thank you along with a picture of my son. She replied saying that just knowing I was okay was enough in the way of thanks.

I honestly can’t thank all these people enough. If it weren’t for her, the police officer, and my sister Casey, Hugo would be without a mum to put him to bed and to watch TV with.

There are so many people in this situation who are in abusive or manipulative relationships and need to get out. I realise now that I’m worth 10 times more than he made me feel.

Here’s hoping Charley continues to get the support she needs.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues, and want to speak to someone in confidence, please don’t suffer alone. Call Samaritans for free on their anonymous 24-hour phone line on 116 123.