You might have heard of PigGate, it’s a massive thing at the moment.
And you can tell it’s officially a massive thing because everyone’s favourite Taiwanese animators have immortalised the alleged incident in this video.
PigGate – if for some reason you are still unaware of what it is – concerns the allegations that the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, David Cameron, once stuck his dick in the mouth of a dead pig.

Yep. He allegedly stuck his knob in a dead pig’s mouth. That guy, the UK Prime Minister, is accused of violating the sovereignty of a pig’s head with his todger.
Allegedly, obviously, as Downing Street has refused to ‘dignify’ the claims with a response.
Anyway, here’s Taiwan-funded TomoNews depicting the incident in all its animated glory, in this scarily accurate representation of Dave’s youth:
David Cameron looks like a particularly smug piece of gammon anyway, so it shouldn’t really be that surprising he decided to stick to his own kind.