Taylor Swift has turned down a whopping paycheck in order to perform at a christening – Nice one!
She was reportedly offered $2 million to perform just 3 songs at a billionaire’s wedding, but declined, and performed at her friend’s christening for free instead.
The unnamed tycoon apparently made the offer, but instead Taylor went to Los Angeles to her best friend’s house, model and actress Jaime King, and performed at the christening service of her five week old baby, Leo.
A guest from the ceremony said:
Taylor arrived with her own music backing tracks and belted out some of her biggest hits, including Love Story, I Knew You Were Trouble and Red.
She even rocked little Leo in her arms and hummed a lullaby to him. But he started screaming almost immediately, so she sheepishly handed him back to his mom.
You have to admire her for putting friendship ahead of financial considerations. She said no to a small fortune so she could bring happiness to a good friend.
Here’s Taylor meeting Leo for the first time a few weeks ago.
It’s decent of her to do this. I know she is already loaded, and $2 million to her isn’t quite the same as $2 million to me, but still, in times where celebs will do anything and everything for money, it’s nice to see she has her priorities. Personally, I’d miss the birth of my firstborn and my own wedding for $2 million, let alone my mate’s kid’s christening. I’m not a bad friend, just a bit skint.