Teen Shares NOPE Photo After Being Impaled By Plug In Messy Bedroom

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An 18-year-old school girl from Nebraska repulsed Twitter when she posted a truly troubling photo of her impaled foot.


Julia Pechar leaped out of bed when she heard her popcorn was ready, and stepped right on her phone charger plug.

She must have stepped pretty hard because the plug pin went very deep into the sole of her foot, making for an extremely grotesque photo.


After seeing the state of her room…the accident was bound to happen at some point!


I’m surprised her first thought was to get a photo, and many people were questioning the distinct lack of blood.


It’s safe to say she triggered a lot of vomiting…


Julia told Buzzfeed:


Right before I screamed for my mom to come rip it out of me, I crawled to my phone to take a picture.

For all of the people demanding blood, yes, it did bleed…a lot. It still is.

The photos have been retweeted 14k times with over 18k likes, and she’s finding all the attention ‘really creepy, but also funny, so it’s all good’.

Apparently a few people with foot fetishes asked her for more photos and thanked her for posting.

Many people were calling for Julia to clean her room…


Lots of commenters overlooked the injury and focused on her outlandish bedroom.


The pointed out the outdated Christmas tree, Donald Trump toilet roll, and pile of records.


Can’t unsee..


On a positive note, Julia was given an elevator pass at her school due to her injuries.

Believe it or not, even after this catastrophe, the teen does not plan to tidy her room!