If any of you have seen Jaws, then you’ll know that trying to haul a shark onto a boat can be a pretty terrifying, if not fatal, manoeuvre. Now try and imagine catching one, on a kayak, on your own.
This overly enthusiastic kayak angler, Graham Smith, in Donegal, Ireland headed out off Malin Head for a spot of fishing with a bit more thrill – what he wasn’t expecting, however, was to catch a 21 stone Porbeagle Shark, reports RTE.
Despite not being the most threatening shark to humans, it’s hard to say that the thought of catching one of these 8.5 foot oceanic beasts is not utterly terrifying.

Apparently, the sea giant took over three hours to bring in, but when Smith got the brute securely alongside the kayak, he did the best thing and let it free.
He later said that the whole, lengthy experience was ‘above and beyond’ anything he had ever experienced beforehand.
So Jaws was wrong. You’re not gonna need a bigger boat.