#Urgent – Côte d'ivoire: Attaques sur une plage a #Bassam à 40 km d'#Abidjan. L'armée évacue la plage pic.twitter.com/SHzDdhWQKC
— Lopez Dobe (@lopezdobe) March 13, 2016
Gunmen have opened fire at a beach resort in the Ivory Coast, according to reports.
French media and social media posts claim that up to ten terrorists armed with Kalashnikovs stormed the beach resort and hotel in Grand-Bassam.
Some witnesses said the attackers were shouting ‘alluha akbar’ during the rampage.
According to the Mirror and the BBC, there have been reports that between five and 12 people have been killed in the attack, including a five-year-old child.
Some of the weapons found in Grand #Bassam, definitely point to an organized attack #IvoryCoast pic.twitter.com/ezJJeFrHHa
— Michael Horowitz (@michaelh992) March 13, 2016
News outlet, Linfodrome reported on Facebook:
Approximately 10 armed individuals have opened fire on the beach of grand bassam, not far from the maquis the star of the south. More info to come.
The hotel is a popular destination with tourists, expats and Westerners, and dramatic footage shared on social media appears to show people running away from the beach near the Etoil du Sud hotel as the sound of gunfire can be heard in the background.
#BREAKINGNEWS: Shooting at popular beach resort for westerners in the #IvoryCoast. #grandbassam pic.twitter.com/4vRDr7QgI4
— WBC News Agency (@newswbc) March 13, 2016
Graphic images of dead bodies have also been shared on social media.
Grand-Bassam is around 40km from Abidjan, the economic capital of the Ivory Coast.
Security services from the National police and French forces are now on site, it has been claimed, and the weapons recovered point to this being a planned terrorist attack.