Facebook has now released its yearly review, inviting its billion-plus users to take look back over 2015’s biggest events and most discussed topics.
The social media giant say they determined the list based on how frequently a topic was mentioned in Facebook posts made between January 1 and December 1, and Facebook’s findings provide us with a snapshot of a year that featured extremes of both good and bad news.

The single most discussed topic of the year was the US Presidential election – aided no doubt by the insane rantings of Donald Trump. The November 13 Paris Attacks feature next, with the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis, the Nepal earthquakes and the Greek debt crisis reminding us how tough a year 2015 has been for millions of people worldwide.

The sixth most talked about issue was marriage equality, but the rest of the top ten is dominated by more harrowing news including the fight against ISIS, Charlie Hebdo, and the Charleston shooting and flag debate.
However, Facebook have also released their most talked about entertainers list and, after the year he’s had, is it any wonder that Ed Sheeran tops the list, and his new buddy Taylor Swift follows close behind. The pair have over 87.2 million Facebook page likes, 83.2 million Twitter followers, and 63.6 million Instagram followers between them and it has to be said that they are leading the way in understanding – and therefore profiting from – the critical role social media now has for artists.

Facebook’s year in review video reminds us that in actual fact the social media platform is at its best when it brings people together, whether in celebration or compassion concluding with ‘Let’s stand together in 2016’ – something we can all get behind.