There’s been a lot of ranting on Twitter lately – Kanye West, Katie Hopkins, Azealia Banks, and now, The 1975’s lead singer Matt Healy.
In very Kanye-esque style, Healy accused the UK government’s Brexit campaign of stealing his ideas.
The video in question showed some eye-catching neon signs with a backdrop of everyday British life – a desperate plea by the government to get regular people to have an opinion on Brexit.
But Healy kindly took to Twitter to let the UK government, David Cameron and everyone else on social media know that the advert’s visual concept is actually stolen off his band’s own recent artistic masterpieces which used the same medium.
— matty (@Truman_Black) May 17, 2016
How do you sue the Government??
— matty (@Truman_Black) May 22, 2016

This is the foul video that ripped off Healy’s ideas:
For comparison, here are Healy’s artistic, original works for I Like It When You Sleep for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It:
if this ain't me…..
(The 1975: Neon Signs by David Drake) pic.twitter.com/MKB8jXrRmT
— joe ? (@GHOST_AESTHETIC) April 16, 2016
The photo series was commissioned for The 1975 but captured and created by Norwich based photographer David Drake – not Healy himself.
And people aren’t so convinced the government stole the idea:
since when did matt healy own everything written in pink neon lights I can't tell if he's joking
— eve (@ref1ektor) May 23, 2016
matt healy thinking the government are stealing his "visual identity" is the most entertaining thing i've seen all day
— hol (@hollytem) May 22, 2016
And it seems like the Internet is right – it seems as though Healy didn’t dig deep enough before accusing the UK government of creative theft by neon signs.
This is the advert for the Scottish Independence Referendum back in 2014:

See any similarities to the EU referendum?

This may convince you:

This visually similar advert for a similar campaign was released two whole years before The 1975 released I Like It When You Sleep for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It.
So basically, the government isn’t ripping off The 1975’s ideas at all – they’re referencing the contextually similar Scottish Independence Referendum from 2014.
Sorry, Healy, can’t win this one.