She may be one of television’s baddies, but Anne Hegerty has revealed that online trolling still affects her.
Hegerty – or ‘The Governess’ as she’s more affectionately known – says that she’s often the target of hurtful body-shaming online and often keeps track of some of the comments.
The Chase viewers, who have dubbed themselves ‘The Chase Gang’ on social media, will stop at nothing when it comes to ferociously trolling both the contestants and The Chasers – but Hegerty says she sees it as her duty defend her teammates and shut down critics.

Speaking to The Express, The Governess revealed she plays trolls at their own game.
She said:
I’m more defensive on behalf of the other Chasers than I am on my own behalf. You need to grow a thick skin.
If someone asks, ‘Why are all the Chasers fat?’ you can say, ‘Body-shaming’s really hurtful and offensive!’ or you can say, ‘Because every time we get an answer right, we get a biscuit.’
Which is more likely to get you a new follower and a reputation for being a good sport?
If she wasn’t your favourite Chaser before, I bet she is now.

Hegerty also spoke out to defend her co-star, Jenny ‘The Vixen’ Ryan, who joined The Chase back in September 2015. Unfortunately for The Vixen, she’s already found herself battling off criticism and trolls, with some accusing her of having no charisma.
She said:
Some people simply don’t like change; some people claim she lacks charisma, which is hilarious for anyone who knows her: she plays the ukulele with a group called Nanukes of the North, and she’s writing a book!
The Vixen’s perhaps a more subtle character than the Governess, and some people were expecting something a little more cartoony.
The Chasers may be some of the toughest figures on television, but they’re still hurt over brutal body shaming – just like anyone else. Good on Hegerty for taking the high road.