A shocking report has revealed that a dog fight takes place every day in the UK, and even worse, the wounded dogs are being patched up by ‘street surgeons’ who use ‘superglue and staples’ to fix the dogs.
The report, commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports, says although dog fighting was made a crime 180 years ago, it’s still a problem in the UK. It claims that offenders are taking ordinary animals, manipulating and exploiting them for ‘profit and reputational gain’.
Its authors, Dr Simon Harding and Dr Angus Nurse, say the only way to tackle this sickening problem is for communities to work together to eradicate this horrifying practice. Shockingly though the problem appears to moving into urban areas.

Tom Quinn, campaigns director for League Against Cruel Sports, said:
Traditionally dog fighting was hidden away in rural areas and managed almost to a professional level. Now we’re seeing a move to urban areas, where dog fighting is becoming a way of establishing dominance, often related to gang activity. Either way, it’s often about machismo and money, and the dogs will inevitably suffer.
Dr Harding, says that the reports investigation found clear evidence of dog fighting in the UK, ranging from random street fights, through to professional ‘matches’ where huge amounts of money are bet on the winner. He added: “Dog fighting is a cruel and violent practice which has no place in 21st century Britain.”
The dog fights work like this:
Level One: Street Rolls:
- One on one fights in urban parks and housing estates
- Arranged on the spot, no referee or rules, fight over in a few minutes
- Little or no money involved
- Likely to occur somewhere in the UK every day
Level Two: Hobbyist
- Series of fights in abandoned buildings/bedrooms converted into a ‘pit’
- Operate on a localised fighting circuit in urban areas
- Often gang affiliated with gambling involved
- Likely to occur somewhere in the UK every couple of weeks
Level Three: Professional
- Sophisticated dog rings with highly trained dogs of reputable bloodlines
- Always take place in a pit, with rules, referees, timekeepers, spectators
- High stakes gambling with £100,000s wagered
- Dogs entered in fights both in UK and internationally
- Likely to occur somewhere in UK every few months
Worst of all, the wounds being inflicted upon these poor animals are being treated by people with very little medical experience.
Quinn added:
As a visit to the vet would lead to awkward questions, fighting dogs are often denied proper medical attention and horrific injuries are left to be patched up with superglue or staples, often with fatal consequences.

The dogs also suffer psychological damage, meaning that they’ll always be a danger to those around them because of their training to fight.
The report analysed data provided by the Metropolitan Police and identified that young men who owned ‘dangerous dogs’ or ‘status dogs’ were widely associated or involved in criminal activity, including robbery, threats to kill, actual bodily harm and drug possession.
The Huffington Post spoke to Chief Inspector Ian Briggs, from the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit, who said they are dedicated to working with the police and other animal welfare organisations to tackle this ‘sickening activity’.

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.