Well after a week of claims being levied against new leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn, there surely had to be a retaliation aimed at Prime Minister David Cameron. This was not one that was anticipated.
It is alleged that as a young whippersnapper David Cameron inserted a “private part of his anatomy” into a dead pigs mouth that was resting on the lap of a member of the Piers Gaveston Society.
According to ‘Call Me Dave’, a biography of the current PM’s life co-written by Tory peer Lord Ashcroft and the journalist Isabel Oakeshott, Cameron performed the act during during his student days at Oxford University.
Downing Street has thus far declined to comment on the accusations/biographical anecdote.
As you’d expect the internet has been swift in its response and it is brilliant!
"ooooh yes. this one will do nicely…. very nicely indeeeed." #piggate pic.twitter.com/gTLzLufZRO
— Abby Tomlinson (@twcuddleston) September 20, 2015
When you click on the wrong file for your Power Point presentation #hameron #piggate pic.twitter.com/zS1ZEfFVCY
— HannahJane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) September 20, 2015
No comment: pic.twitter.com/6IEX3gM2CL
— Tony Barrett (@TonyBarretTimes) September 20, 2015
"My desires are… unconventional…"
"So show me."
#piggate pic.twitter.com/8fN9ONGu2E
— Lisa (@biscuitahoy) September 20, 2015
20 minutes into destroying the fabric of society and chill and he gives you this look. #piggate pic.twitter.com/3g4AW79oBa
— Jono Yates (@jonoBLITZ) September 20, 2015
These rumours have been about for years. Finally, you know why Ed doesn't like Bacon rolls. #piggate pic.twitter.com/jLldQ70RQR
— PGL (@KlingKlang64) September 20, 2015
"Morning Sir. Cornflakes for breakfast: we cancelled the bacon delivery. Also, you should sit down…" #piggate pic.twitter.com/dYJBUm7Tx4
— Jane Samuels (@JaneSamuels) September 20, 2015
American Twitter watching #piggate unfold pic.twitter.com/eLCecZcu0P
— Juliet Mushens (@mushenska) September 20, 2015
Corbyn shouldn't sing the national anthem next time either…he should oink it
— Sid Lowe (@sidlowe) September 20, 2015
Fair play Russian embassy #piggate pic.twitter.com/xpxJCsjeLn
— ALVX WILSON (@adjwilson) September 20, 2015
If @Fleshlight don't already have this prototyped, they're missing a big opportunity.
#piggate pic.twitter.com/GYyNafxi2d
— Reid Parker (@ReidParker_) September 20, 2015
Wait, what? Did he misunderstand the lyrics to 'I got you, Babe'? #piggate
— Juliet Meyers (@julietmeyers) September 20, 2015
— AndyinBrum (@AndyinBrum) September 20, 2015