The Latest Trend Going Viral Is Really F*cking Stupid

By :

WARNING: Video content contains offensive language.

From the moronic minds that bought you Neknominate and the Condom Challenge, Gen-Y kids have found another way to be a total fucking nuisance and injure themselves along the way.


Prepare to lose faith in our generation, people: With a heavy heart I introduce you to a new online craze called body slamming.

Or, in other words, the act of chucking your full body weight onto a car windshield – probably not your own – to see the damage to both glass and presumably, bone.


The trend is reportedly spreading in the UK, with over 20 cases reported in Leeds alone.

Although the trend is more action-packed than unboxing stuff on YouTube, smashing shit up for literally no gain is not only stupid, but destructive too.


FYI – at the risk of coming across like a party pooper – body slamming is absolutely illegal under laws against vandalism and destruction of private property.


If you’re so bored – or so desperate for clicks – to body slam a car, I suggest you take up an actual hobby instead. Just think, you could be a reformed knitting YouTube sensation overnight.
