The Touching Mystery Of The Secret Harry Potter Plague

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It appeared one day as if by magic, just outside Bristol’s children hospital, a mysterious Harry Potter plaque.

This seemingly ordinary dedication, which was put up 18 months ago, wasn’t your average boring muggle plaque though, Newsround reports. 

The brass sign claimed that the bright ringed sculpture outside the hospital was in fact the enchanted goal posts from the 1998 Quidditch World Cup.

Hospital staff were confused over who’d left the plaque. Was it a night time marauder in an invisibility cloak? Or maybe it was a normal muggle student who’d left it as a joke?


Well now the truth’s been revealed.


The plaque was the work of Cormac Seachoy, a Bristol Graduate who unfortunately passed away last year.

Seachoy, 27, had used crowd funding to pay for his brass dedication and snuck out, back in November 2014, to glue it to the wall.

The ring sculpture outside the hospital is in reality an interactive art installation called The Lollypop Be-Bop and has brightly coloured lights that children in the hospital can turn on and off.

Speaking to Newsbeat Cormac’s friend, James Carberry, explained:

He always used to say how the sculpture looked like the Quidditch posts. He wanted the children at the hospital to think they were a gift from wizards.

We met outside the hospital and he came with this beautiful bronze plaque and a tube of industrial strength adhesive.

The only problem was that they forgot to bring scissors, forcing them to ask a local pub to lend them some so they could put up the plaque.


The hospital say they’ll keep the plaque but asks other ‘wizards’ who want to put things up to ask permission first so the ‘muggles’ in the hospital can look after them.

They say: 

The appearance of this plaque was a magical and mysterious event that we did not know anything about, but we are sure that our patients and their families will appreciate it.

James says Cormac, who loved helping good causes, would be thrilled.

He said:

It would really put a smile on his face to think that people are now talking about the plaque and that the hospital’s decided to keep it. He didn’t really want much attention from the plaque.

He just wanted to do something that would make people smile on their way in and out of the hospital.

It sounds like Cormac really did bring a little magic into the world.